Avoid These 3 Mistakes When You’re Growing Your Online Coaching Business! 👀

Daniel Francis
3 min readJul 12, 2022

Or You’ll Be In BIG Trouble!

Are you ready to take your online coaching business to the next level? Today, nearly 10 million people have online businesses. Since the pandemic hit, it has nearly doubled in size. And it is expected that more people will transition into the online world over the next few years.

It’s easy to make costly mistakes when starting an online business. My journey has been filled with many mistakes for me. Consequently, I wasted time and lost thousands of dollars. Therefore, my goal today is to discuss 3 brutal mistakes you must avoid in order for your online business to grow and scale.

Whether you’re new to the online space or have been in the game for a few years, you need to avoid these 5 mistakes at all costs!

So here they are:

1. Don’t Delegate Everything (especially not off the bat):

Having managed 60+ sales reps as a former sales director, I was used to delegating every task that needed to be completed.

Every day, I walked around the office telling everyone what to do at work.

But once I transitioned into the online space, I knew I would sink into a downward spiral if I continued to delegate everything.

Because the ONLY way to get better (skill-wise) is by learning it by yourself first.

This way, you can hire the RIGHT people for your business without burning money on unqualified people.

So once I put two and two together…

I began learning how to run my own ads, build funnels, send emails, learn copywriting, track KPIs and everything else in between.

Eventually, as I learned more and earned more money, I hired someone who could do the job better for me.

You see, you have to learn first then delegate second.

That’s why hiring an agency right off the bat, isn’t the smartest decision.
Because you can’t tell whether their skills are going to move your business forward or backwards.

Btw, I made a quick-n-easy video on “How To Hit Your First $30k Month In Your Business”, check it out down below…

2. Don’t Want Be Impatient

We often hear crazy stories about people going from 0-$100k/mo in less than 30 days.

And if you’re like most people, your first thought probably goes something like this…

“HOLY SMOKES! What am I doing wrong?”

Look, I used to think the same thing too.

I thought that I needed to change everything about my business.

Create a brand-new marketing system.

And I even thought that I had to intensively tweak my ad creatives.

But… I realized something about those ‘marketing gurus’.

Most of the stories that you hear about people hitting the 2CC award in less than a year is completely fabricated — it’s called marketing 101.

They’ve been in the online space far longer than you think. Trust me, I have spent many hours studying the history of successful people in the industry. They just don’t share the WHOLE story.⁣

Give things time and be patient!

3. Mentorship Takes Your Business To The Next Level (it’s not a mistake, but it’s a valuable lesson)

You can’t do everything on your own.

You can’t just ‘figure it out’ by yourself.

And you definitely can’t build a 7-figure online business when your ego is in the way.

You NEED guidance!


Whenever I make business decisions, I seek out the right knowledge from people who have already done it.

Because I know that if I apply EXACTLY what they teach me… I’m setting myself up for success.

Too many people overcomplicate their journey when the key to winning starts with finding the RIGHT information.

Remember, simplicity over complexity.

Keep things simple and get mentorship!

I hope that you learned something valuable from my two mistakes and my one lesson.

Be sure to join my Facebook Group, Millionaires Coaches Club, to get more valuable tips on how to grow and scale your online coaching business past $30k+/mo.

-Daniel Francis



Daniel Francis

I Teach People How To Grow Successful 6 & 7 Figure Coaching Businesses