How To Attract Endless Results

Daniel Francis
2 min readOct 20, 2021

It is rewarding yet ironic when people ask me, “Daniel how did you overcome your stutter?” At 28 years of age, it’s rewarding to provide individuals specific tips to help them build their communication skills but it has some ironic factors.

Another question that I often get is, “what do I have to do in order to build my public speaking skills?” Many seem to believe that there is some magical formula to build their public speaking skills. The truth is, I focused my energy on ‘why’ I wanted to overcome my stutter. Instead of focusing on ‘how’ I was going to build my communication skills, I reprogrammed my mind into having an ultimate desire for why I wanted to do it.

There was a quote my mentor told me, “You don’t need to know how it will happen but just know that it will happen.”

I used to believe that it was important to understand how I would overcome my stutter. By focusing my energy on this, it forced a crash into my life because it resulted in an overwhelming amount of stress. It didn’t build into the results that I desired in my life.

“You don’t need to know how it will happen but just know that it will happen.”

What has helped me the most in producing the results that I’ve accomplished in my life was simply being abundant within my life and putting all of my energy into ‘why’ I wanted to accomplish my desires. Results is defined as an outcome of taking a specific action. When you take the action of putting your energy into your desires, you will attract more opportunities. In fact, I created a Youtube video called, “The Secret Towards Living a Fulfilling Life…” where I breakdown the secret to achieving a fulfilled and prosperous life. All of your questions will be answered in this video, I guarantee it.

Hope you have a great day,

Daniel Francis



Daniel Francis

I Teach People How To Grow Successful 6 & 7 Figure Coaching Businesses