My appointment setter booked 21 calls in his FIRST week (here’s exactly how he did it)

Daniel Francis
2 min readOct 31, 2022

Recently, my NEW appointment setter booked 21 calls in his FIRST week working with me.

And as I always say.

You CAN’T have a successful coaching business with less than 10 booked calls a month.

It’s about quality over quantity.

In other words.

You need to talk to a LOT of people on a daily basis to jam-pack your calendar.

That’s why following up is vital…

And having a schedule for messaging people is important as well.

So in today’s email, I want to give you a step-by-step breakdown of how he was able to do it.

You see, as I always say…

Having a Facebook group in your coaching business is one of the most important principles you need to succeed.

Because if you don’t have one…

Nurturing your prospects with value will feel like you’re pushing water uphill.

That’s why growing your Facebook group every day is so important.

So every day, my appointment setter sends messages to other people to join our Facebook group, The Millionaire’s Coaches Club, with a template that reads:

“Hey (Name), I recently created a Facebook group for coaches. We post content on marketing, content creation, sales, and everything needed to grow a successful coaching business!

Would you be open to joining the group?”

… then once he messages them and they’re interested in joining the group…


Because after they request to join our group…

He accepts them.

And begins to have a conversation with them in my DM’s and ask them questions like:

1. What coaching do you currently do?
2. What specific milestone are you looking to reach through your coaching?
3. What are you trying so far to help those specific goals?
4. Is there a reason why you’re unable to get the goals that you’re aiming for?

… then once the prospect answers those questions…

He asks them to jump on a call with my team to see how we can help them gain clarity and achieve their goals.

And once they say “yes”…

My appointment setter, sends our calendar link — and then the prospect books a call with my team.

Pretty, simple right?

You see.

Booking calls is fairly simple.

You have to know where they currently are.

Where they want to go.

And what’s keeping them stuck from not achieving their goals.

Once you have those 3 essential things figured out…

It’s a no-brainer for the prospect to get on a call with you to see how you can help them.

I hope this helped you out today!

Feel free to use this exact template to help you on your coaching journey too.

Daniel Francis



Daniel Francis

I Teach People How To Grow Successful 6 & 7 Figure Coaching Businesses