The REAL reason why I wake up at 4am as a business owner

Daniel Francis
3 min readOct 17, 2022

“Daniel, why do you always wake up so early in the morning?”

^ Almost everyday someone reaches out and asks me this question.

So today I want to give you a detailed breakdown of my schedule, Monday — Saturday, so you can see how I went from $0 — $50k per month just by following my morning routine.

And no… I’m not here to show off.

Or make it seem like it’s “The Daniel Show”… no, that’s not my intention.

The REAL reason why I’m bringing this up today…

Is to show you the power of what waking up early can do in your life…

And how it can help you skyrocket your coaching business to the moon. 🚀

Makes sense?


Here’s my schedule:

  • 4 am — Wake up, have a coffee & vitamins
  • 4:20–9 am — My time for deep work.

This is the time when I’m fully focused on my business.

My phone is on airplane mode. No distractions. No meetings. Just me and my business.

During these hours I’m:

-Writing content

-Building new structures and systems to grow the biz

- Learning new strategies to implement into my business, etc.

  • 9–10:30am — Gym

This is my time to think and get clarity for the growth of the biz.

  • 10:30–11 am — Eat breakfast.
  • 11–5 pm — Working with clients, have coaching calls, etc.
  • 5- 6 pm — Dinner time
  • 6 pm — 6:30 pm — Read.
  • 6:30–7 pm — Shower
  • 7–8 pm — Last hour to finish up any projects
  • 8 pm — Bed time

I repeat this schedule day after day, week after week, and month after month.


I know some of you might be thinking to yourself…

“Daniel, that’s crazy. Why even do all that to yourself?”

Which is a logical question to ask.

But here’s the thing.

Although that’s not “normal” for most people — As the CEO of my company, getting up early helps me strategize for the future of my business, get into a flow state, take time to think through new ideas, make detailed decisions that my team can then implement and drive the business forward, and overall it makes me happy.

You see, compared to when I used to wake up at 7am…

I don’t feel rushed to accomplish a lot throughout the day now.

Which gives me more time to IMPACT more people.

Change more lives.

And grow as a result. ✅

And as you can see, this has helped me go from $0 — $50k/mo in my coaching biz.

But if you really think about it…

Like REALLY think about it…

Isn’t this the kind of people you want in your life? 🤔

Someone who’s dedicated to their craft just like you? ✅

Someone who’s determined to impact and change more lives just like you? 🔥

Someone willing to go above and beyond to grow their coaching business just like you? 🚀

Isn’t that the kind of people you need to help you DOMINATE your niche?

Even if you’re in the beginning stages of your business?


If you’d like to get coached by someone like that and you’re dedicated to scaling your coaching business past $10k/mo in the next 60 days…

>>Tap here to schedule your free no obligation call so I can help you to do that.

Let’s make it happen,



Daniel Francis

I Teach People How To Grow Successful 6 & 7 Figure Coaching Businesses