This is exactly what I’d do if I had to start from scratch again

Daniel Francis
4 min readOct 25, 2022

In today’s post, I’m going to explain step-by-step what I would do if I started my coaching business from scratch with no money, no brand, no connections, and no reputation to make my first $3k-$10k a month in the next 30 days.

You see.

Often people will tell you the FIRST thing you need to do is…

❌Create a website

❌Start a YT channel

❌Or write an ebook

… which in my opinion, isn’t helpful during the beginning stages of your business.

Because not only is it overwhelming…

But it’s difficult to find success as a newbie when you try to start off from those platforms.

That’s why the first thing I would do is…

#1 Find a niche that resonated with me.

Look, you can create a website, start a YT channel or write an ebook…

But none of that happens unless you have a solution to someone’s problem.

And the easiest way to do that…

Is by teaching someone how to overcome a problem you’ve faced.

One of the biggest challenges I had to face in my life was learning how to overcome my stutter.

It runs in my family’s bloodline…

And it developed in my life at a very young age.

So when I was serious about overcoming this obstacle…

I had to learn from A — Z on how to do it.

From learning how to master my mindset to learning the art of public speaking…

And after I started seeing improvements in my speech over a long period of time…

I began to understand how to take control of my stutter.

And with all the lessons and experiences I had to face while overcoming my stuttering…

My coaching program was created with all the information that I learned.

So let’s say you lost 100 pounds in your life…

A niche that would work best for you is the health/fitness niche.

Because you can show your clients step-by-step how to lose weight and transform into the body they’ve always wanted… since you’ve already gone through it yourself.

Makes sense?

Now, of course, there needs to be a system in place to get clients…

That’s why the second thing I would do is…

#2 Build a free Facebook community:

This is the bread and butter of your coaching business.

Because here’s the thing.

When you’re sharing free valuable content around your niche in your Facebook group…

And people are constantly looking at your posts…

In the eyes of the members of your Facebook group, you are seen as an authority figure and expert.

Which means.

Your group members will be interested in learning more about your paid mentorship and how they can invest in YOU for more information about your expertise.

This is why I LOVE Facebook groups.

Because you can easily qualify people into your group and book calls on demand.



When it comes to qualifying people…

Facebook gives you the ability to ask membership questions and you can leverage these questions to see…

-Where people are currently at in their journey

-What are their goals

-What is the #1 thing that they’re struggling with

-*optional* And if they want you to message them to see if you can help them reach their desired goal (this is where you can book calls and sell your services)

For myself personally.

The membership questions that I have in my FB group are:

1. Hello! Please tell us the email you used to sign up for my cool private group (this also allows us to send you some cool free stuff!).

2. What is the current stage of your Online Business? (This question is required so we can best help you out with your goals)

3. What is the biggest challenge you face in your business?

… then once members answer these questions…

I can message them in their DMs. Have conversations with them. And then book calls with them immediately to see how I can help them.

It’s that easy.

Now, you need a program to ensure your clients are getting results…

But you also want to make sure it’s a program that can help them too…

That’s why the third and final thing I would do is…

#3: Create an 8-week beta program for your coaching business.

This is the opportunity for REAL people to get their hands on your teachings and expertise…

So that they can start getting results in their lives.


Although some of you may want to charge $5k off the bat…

Setting your price high while launching your beta program can be detrimental in the beginning stages of your coaching business.


Because this is where you’re testing your program to see what your audience wants.

This is where you ask your clients what they want inside your REAL program.

And this is the time when you want to ensure that your program gets people results.

That’s why in my opinion…

You want to get 6 clients for your beta program and charge $600 to join your program.

(6 x $600 = $3600)

Now, after they complete your beta program…

You can sell it for the full price — while adding 40 people a day to your group and booking calls too.

^ This is the system my clients are currently using to scale their coaching business from scratch…

And this system is exactly how I went from $0 — $10k in less than 30 days in my coaching business.

The bottom line is this system works…

And can get you to your first $10k month in no time.

But if you want to support and guidance to help you along the way, so you aren’t stuck or missing out on easy opportunities to scale your coaching business…

>> Schedule your free no-obligation call right here.




Daniel Francis

I Teach People How To Grow Successful 6 & 7 Figure Coaching Businesses